Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Process to the Prize

Life's an adventure...
for we don't know how
God will direct us
from where we stand now.
We need only to trust Him
to show us the way
and He will reveal it
in love day by day.
- Roy Lessin

It's been a full day with church this morning and a 50th wedding anniversary celebration for friends this afternoon. It was fun watching the video someone made with lots of pictures from when they first met and all through the years of raising children to where they are. They are a very sweet couple , well loved and loving. 50 years wow!

Life surely is an adventure, there are bumps and struggles along the way and things don't always go perfectly but we are all in a process of growing and all the experiences help shape us and even the not so great happenings can have a good outcome. If we have a positive attitude and learn from the successes as well as the failures we can finish strong and well. Onward toward the prize! Have a great week!


  1. An encouraging tid-bit Thanks, Cheryl.

  2. 50 years is certainly reason to celebrate! Life is an adventure, for sure. Have a good week, Cheryl!

  3. Your day sounds nice. Congratulations to your friends it is such good news to hear of someone being married that long. I really like your new blog with you and Nanook. Hugs for you and nose kisses for Nanook.
